Series Tester

A series is the sum of the terms in a sequence. For some sequences, the more terms are added, the closer the sum gets to some finite number. Such series are set to converge.

Below, you can approximate the sum of an infinite sequence by computing Σ(n=0, N)f(n) for some large N.

f(n) =
N =

Some functions to try

English 中文 JavaScript
Power N N次方 Math.pow(X,N)
Square root 平方根 Math.sqrt(X)
Absolute value 絕對值 Math.abs(X)
Rounding 四捨五入 Math.round(X)
Sine 正弦 Math.sin(X)
Cosine 餘弦 Math.cos(X)
Tangent 正切 Math.tan(X)
Natural log 自然對數 Math.log(X)
Constant pi 圓周率 Math.PI
Constant e 歐拉數 Math.E